Meet the Coach
Over 20,000 sales reps coached since 1998
Who is Rick Lambert?
Born in Toronto, Canada, Rick attended the University of New Hampshire and was an NHL draft choice of the Edmonton Oilers.
After hockey, Rick started his sales career at Xerox and won several awards including Rookie Sales Rep of the Year and multiple President's Clubs before setting growth and profitability records as the VP of Sales for a $30M office equipment dealer.

Rick founded selltowin in 1998 to deliver contemporary selling strategies with a fun spin that drives results at the sales rep and corporate level.
In 2008, Rick founded IN2, a full service digital marketing agency that specializes in helping companies sell more with a measurable ROI.
Sales Career
As a rep, Rick won the Rookie Sales Rep of the Year for Xerox Canada in 1990 and went on to win multiple Xerox President's Clubs.
As Sales Manager, Rick set growth records among all SHARP copier dealers in Canada. As a VP of Sales, he won the Sales Management Leadership award within IKON Canada.
To date, over 500 companies have selected Rick to coach over 20,000 salespeople with a 100% referral rating. Clients enjoy Rick’s humor, engaging delivery style and his ability to customize his tactical sales approaches into simple techniques any sales rep can implement right away.
Family Man
Rick is married and the proud father of two of the best little sales reps he knows!

Training Highlights:
0 +
Corporate Clients
Live Event Participants
Online Viewers Per Month
0 %
Referred or Rebooked Rick

Then came the Internet.
In 2008, seeing the impact the Internet was having on the traditional sales process, Rick founded in2communications.com, a full service digital marketing agency that specializes in demand generation and lead conversion strategies for hundreds of technology resellers.
IN2 has won multiple global awards and provided the foundation of Rick’s Social Selling Strategies that align with today’s online buyer journey.
Marketing Highlights:
Over 5,000 B2B Leads for Clients in 2017
Global App Finder for 7,000 Xerox Partners
World’s Best Marketing Campaign – Recycling Times
Global Winner – Best Sales & Marketing (MPSA)
Business of the Year nominee by Royal Bank
Certified App Developer
Live Event Snapshots
Rick calls his live events “Sales Practices” because they are so interactive.

Role Playing
Rick’s events are action packed with plenty of role plays to test for behavioral execution.

Chalk Talks
Rick believes reps need to see how new skills will apply to their real-world selling scenarios.

Multimedia Presentations
Note the multimedia presentation behind Rick – that’s no PowerPoint!

Official "Sales Practice"
Rick believes in practicing new skills in a safe environment. Note the referees at this national sales conference!

Prizes on the Line
Every selltowin event comes with a prize table to reward people for participation.

100% Engagement
Note how nobody is on their phones!